Capturing our company values and the roles they play as an integral part of our business started off with a few brainstorming sessions that developed into the following six videos. Each tackles a topic or action that we practice every day in our work with clients, partners, and each other. We strive to bring value to our typical commissioning and TAB work, alongside our specialties in retro-commissioning, and BET. See how we do this in the stories here!
Do the Right Thing
These stories range across fields of expertise: Commissioning, Retro-commissioning, Testing, Adjusting & Balancing, and HVAC Tune-ups among others. We pulled division managers and seasoned professionals from across our offices to capture the breadth of experience and obstacles they’ve seen over the years. This resulted in a unique look at how they perceive and apply value to the job.
As a firm in the field of building commissioning, energy assessments, building envelope testing, and fire safety, these values: Integrity, Safety, Professionalism, and Quality, are requirements to ensure our clients and their facilities are operating correctly.
For more information about our services, and how we can help make your facility goals a reality, please contact us.
For more about these videos and testimonials, visit Meet NWESI.